This was an intro to the pictures of the cats on my old personal website. It’s info people have searched for a lot and therefore I’m on this website.
Note: Jeepurs is no longer an active cattery
When I was a kid our household was prey to many kittens running about. Many pedigree lines feature a Jeepurs cat. The name came from the family Christian names: JustinElaineEdward (Me, Mum, Dad)
A Potted History
We got our first Devon Rex in 1977, already having our Siamese from 1976, my Father saw a devon rex in a magazine and wanted one. This was in the days when they were quite rare. We went to a cat show and saw that Bolrose had kittens for sale. Barbara Hudson (now Hoole) said she would keep the best one for us, as we were at a cat show I suppose she thought we were going to show our new kitten. The kitten was Bolrose Miss Muffet. At the same time Rolf Harris (the now disgraced Australian celeb in England) was collecting Ratbag and Smudge from the same litter. Ratbag was an almost bald cat and the sister Smudge who looked similar to Muffet.
Jeepurs fame stems form the fact that Jeepurs Charlie’s Angel and Jeepurs Instant Sunshine were bought from us by ‘hardened’ breeders, so though Muffet only produced around 3 litters, her children considerably added to the devon world. Charlie’s Angel went to Mrs Lyon (Berilleon) always a one to make the most of her cats. Instant Sunshine went to Veidals in Sweden.
Muffet’s first litter was born on 6 July 1978 (Charlie’s Angel was the only mature adult survivor from this one). Muffet had only three litters (Sweep & Instant Sunshine in the second of seven kittens born 7 August 1979). Last litter born 23 April 1980 four of them, two of which Mrs Sinclair had and Angela Rushbrook (Scatti) had one – 2 blue 2 white. The stud we always used for Muffet was Brylou Charlie Boy owned by Lynda Ashmore (Kralahome).
We also had a siamese who had several devon rex and siamese crosses. We tried to have more litters of devon rex but it didn’t really work out.
Muffet was such a unique cat that I felt that I could never have another. Also I (and my Mother) have never recovered from the heartbreak of losing them all, which I suppose is the way when living with an animal which is bound to leave you.
Name: Champion, Bolrose Miss Muffet
Sire: Annelida Super Star
Dam: Sahreen Blue Moon
She was a very unique cat, a total one off and ‘daft’ as a brush. She lived about 18 years
Justin / Elaine Tuijl
p.s. in 2023 my wife and I have four Ragdoll cats. The two original cats have had many kittens and we kept two from the first litter. Clan Floof